Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Mr. Universe

Holy crap... TWO blog posts in one day. Well, I'm pissed off at a guy who may or may not be fodder in the future (stay tuned). So this sort of makes me feel better.

Mr. Universe and I went on one date in April. Our second was going to be around Mother's Day and he mentioned he was going to get me a gift. Aww. I love gifts from men I've been on one date with...they usually know me SO WELL. Anyway, we had some miscommunication on date day about what was going to happen on the second date (I thought we were having dinner), and late afternoon he texted me and said he had already eaten. I told him to forget the date, I needed to go grab something to eat since we weren't going out.

So I get this.

You were going to give me what, exactly?? The literal and figurative symbolism KILLS ME.

What in the world (haha- get it?) am I going to do with a FUCKING GLASS GLOBE when I have two little ones running around? Oh yes, I'll just put it over here on this table within reach of my kids, so they can bash each other in the head with it. Fan-fucking-tastic.

But seriously, besides the safety considerations, it's tacky as hell! He told me that he has lots of this special brand of shit around his house. For instance, he has some Mexican juju dolls inside a lit glass display case. For reals. If Mr. Universe knew me at all, he'd know I do not keep that kind of shit in mi casa.

And the candle, how could I forget? I wonder if he's got a prayer bench somewhere that he could pull up to the candle and fucking mourn me the right way. I wouldn't doubt it. I hope it at least smells good. Maybe it's a Jesus candle. 'Cause he does obviously know me so well.

BUT WAIT! That's not the end of the story! Now some of you Facebook friends saw some of what's about to come because it was just so freaking amusing that I had to post it, even though I didn't have time to blog about it right then and there. Several weeks go by after the above screenshot, and I delete Mr. Universe's number. Well, I receive a mystery text late one night, and since I've gotten myself ass-deep in my graveyard of buried online dating prospects, I have no idea who the fuck it is...

Oooooh....twice burned by SingleGal, and he didn't like it one bit.

Imagine if I had the Jesus candle in my arsenal...

Dr. Scholl

*Disclaimer: credit for this chap's title goes to my friend S. Thanks, love.

The only online dating method I'm currently employing is Tinder. For those unfamiliar, it's an app, not a dating site. It finds matches based on your preferences and your CURRENT location. This is a good thing and a bad thing. For instance, I got matched up with someone who seemed like a good catch. He lives several states away...but just happened to be close enough last weekend that he showed up on my radar. (For the record, I met Mr. Wallet on Tinder).

I have been propositioned by several folks who were in town on business. Them: "Hey, how about you come to my hotel room?" Me: "No thanks, I'm washing my hair." I'm sorry, do I come across as THAT desperate and/or naive?

Anyway... this 'gentleman' was an out-of-towner who I got matched up with. He called me beautiful and said it was too bad he was leaving to go back home. But then he had a surprise for me.

Introducing...Dr. Scholl.

I should have added that I'm not really interested in foot worship. Seriously, how is that a THING?? Maybe I should have asked for extra fodder/entertainment...