Saturday, September 13, 2014

I'm back, readers! (Meet Mr. Ghost)

Boy, it's been awhile...three months since I've updated this blog. I apologize for my absence. I actually didn't realize people would MISS ME if I didn't post, but apparently I have a small but loyal following who have been wondering why I haven't blogged for so long.

So sorry, readers... my life has been cray cray and I haven't been dating much. However, just this week I got back on the old horse, so to speak, and I already have some new fodder for ya (yes, that quickly). And I probably have old stories hidden in my big ol' brain somewhere that are just waiting to be retold. So bear with me. I'll try to make it worth your while.

Today I need to tell you about a chap I'll refer to as Mr. Ghost. Do you know what ghosting is? If so, you know where this is headed. Ghosting is a term in the dating world that refers to someone who just up and disappears on you with no explanation. Poof. Gone. Finito.

(Oh, and on a side note, speaking of ghosters.... Mr. Wallet? Special K? HE'S A GHOSTER. I know, right? I liked that one. We had two nice dates, and I had no inkling that he'd be a fucking jerk who'd fall off the face of the Earth. But he did. UGH. His loss!)

I met Mr. Ghost through a dating app that rhymes with Kinder... perhaps you've heard of it. We only chatted for a day before he wanted to exchange phone numbers and meet in person. He was good looking enough and seemed nice, so I agreed to meet him for dinner.

I was pretty happy that we seemed to hit it off. We finished dinner, went to another place to have drinks after, and didn't want it to end there so we finally took a long walk outside. TOTES IRONICALLY, sometime during the date I brought up ghosting with Mr. Ghost, and how I was tired of guys doing it. He shared some sentiments which led me to believe he was on the same page with daters being superficial and flaky. It was a nice evening and boy, that dude can kiss (so underrated, in my book). He did tell me that he was recently out of a long relationship and wasn't looking to rush into anything. Sure, no prob, Bob... let's just see where it goes. Right?

I sent him a nice message when I got home (you can see how late I'd been out...definitely missed out on some beauty sleep that night). Readers, I give you Exhibit A. I'm in blue:

During our date, we had talked about plans for a future date, and he promised to show me his cooking skills. Yay, I LOVE a man who can cook! We texted off and on for the next few days. See Exhibit B, discussing when to get together again:

Ok, so unless I'm totally delusional, I thought I might hear from him later on that day about getting together again, as long as he got off of work. Right?? Wrong. I didn't hear from him that night, or the next day when I sent a friendly 'Hey you!' text message. That was a few days ago. I'm not desperate nor delusional, so I stopped trying... but I'm left thinking, "What. The. F."? Bam. GHOSTED. The nice/stalkerish thing about Kinder is that you can see when your matches were last online. Nope, Mr. Ghost hasn't been hit by a bus... or if he was, he's been Kindering in the ICU.

Ladies and gents, I don't get it. If you change your mind about being interested, just grow a set and SAY you're not interested. I actually had a second date this week after Mr. Ghost and I had gone out (this guy was also from Kinder), and while we had fun during our dinner, I didn't think the chemistry was there. We gave each other a hug after dinner and parted ways. And that guy was a gentleman. He respectfully told me the next day that he wasn't interested. Fantastic! Neither was I! I told him no problem, and good luck. No animosity at all... I really do wish him luck finding Ms. Right.

So, single guys, WTF? Seriously. As you can see above, some men are capable of using those cojones they were gifted/cursed with, and letting a woman unequivocally know how they feel. What is it about these men? Do they have a special gene? (I'd be a millionaire if I could find that shiz and clone it.) More estrogen? (They have pills for that.) Basic human decency and respect for self as well as others? Maybe these ghosters need to be served a slice of humble pie served with a side of bitchslap. I'd send that right out from the SingleGal kitchen... if only I knew where they disappeared to.

Le sigh.

Stay tuned, dear readers. I promise to not be gone for so long this time. I've gotta run now, though. I have a Saturday night date watching chick flicks on the couch with my friends Ben & Jerry. They never let me down.


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