About three weeks ago, I met someone online. I shall call him Mr. Man-Whore... you will soon see why. We chatted for a few days and made a date for coffee one afternoon. The date went well and he seemed really nice. Not really Man-Whorish (that would happen later). I had evening plans, but he wanted to get together again that night when I was free. We ended up grabbing a late-night bite to eat. We had been sending some, um, racy text messages even before meeting, so I wasn't surprised when he wanted to come back to my house after the second meeting. And against my better judgment, he did. (I know, I know...)
Fast forward a few days later...he told me through a text that he wasn't quite over his ex-girlfriend and he felt bad about what happened. He told me during our coffee date that he broke up with her a month prior, when he found out she had cheated on him. They had only been dating two months at that point, so I didn't think it would be a major influence on his thinking. I figured the ex-girlfriend thing was just an excuse, but then I noticed that he deleted his profile. Hm, maybe there was actually some truth to what he said? I thought it was a shitty thing for him to be out there fooling around with women if he wasn't over the ex, but I got over it and chalked it up to a lesson learned. He wasn't all that and a bag of chips anyway.
But lo and behold, I logged into the site this week and saw on my 'Activity' page that he reactivated his profile and added new information. Hmm...guess he did get over that ex-girlfriend after all. I mentioned it to my friend (code name: The Temptress) who's on the same dating sites. She offered to contact him just to mess with him. So of course I said HELL YES!!
(For those who need a little help, her messages are in yellow and mine are blue.)
Oh, he bit alright. And mess with Mr. Man-Whore she did. Behold the panache of The Temptress:
So Mr. Man-Whore is switching his game up a bit. Now he's not even willing to go on a couple of public dates with someone before attempting to get into their pants! If I was feeling bad about setting this loser up, any regret was gone. GAME ON!
The Temptress sent me a couple of screenshots from their conversations on the dating site (she's in purple):
Hm, I guess SingleGal isn't up to par in her world-rocking skills, at least by Mr. Man-Whore's standards. I don't know if that's a good thing or bad thing. At least he's keeping the cheating/threesome stories consistent between women he meets. Is that his line? Women are supposed to feel bad for him because he caught his girlfriend with two other people and immediately lose their pants? Who knows. But he's TOTALLY OK with being the guy in the threesome, FYI. Interesting. Being conniving, vengeful modern women that we are, we decided to use that little tidbit to our advantage:
So The Temptress set up a coffee date with Mr. Man-Whore for this very morning. Oh yeah, forgot to mention that Mr. Man-Whore is a former Marine. Aren't Marines supposed to live up to some kind of superior moral code? I thought so...copied right from the US Marines webpage...
"Honor This is the
bedrock of our character. It is the quality that empowers Marines to
exemplify the ultimate in ethical and moral behavior: to never lie,
cheat, or steal; to abide by an uncompromising code of integrity; to
respect human dignity; and to have respect and concern for each other.
It represents the maturity, dedication, trust, and dependability that
commit Marines to act responsibly, be accountable for their actions,
fulfill their obligations, and hold others accountable for their
But I digress. Back to the main story, the SingleGal-Temptress collusion!
I told The Temptress that who knows what he was capable of, so best to play it coy and pretend she didn't know that Mr. Man-Whore and I had already met. The Temptress is also a modern, free-spirited woman, so I can't blame her for wanting to get something out of it other than the satisfaction of setting Mr. Man-Whore up. But I advised her not to go there:
So today, Wednesday, was THE day. The Temptress vs. Mr. Man-Whore. It was on like Donkey Kong!! I, of course, wished my fearless friend luck...not that she needed it.
Mr. Man-Whore started the day primed and ready to roll for his date, and definitely in planning mode:
I'm sure you're thinking, "SingleGal, get to it already. What happened? Did she out him or what?!?!" Drumroll, please...
Wait for it, wait for it....
OMG! RETRIBUTION PERFECTION. I am actually surprised that he admitted to having met me, especially because The Temptress was playing it coy like she didn't know.
I have to give BIG BIG PROPS to The Temptress for being an amazing accomplice in taking Mr. Man-Whore down. Hopefully he learned his lesson and he's done with being a little too big for his proverbial britches and trying to fuck women from the get-go.
Given that The Temptress also has an online dating presence and has some interesting stories of her own, what do you think about having her as a guest blogger on occasion? I think it's an absolutely splendid idea.
Happy Hump Day, folks...hope you got a big laugh like The Temptress and I did. Just think twice about who you try to hump today. ;)