Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Bubbles and Bacon

This is a combo post, since neither of these losers really deserve their own post. They do have at least one thing in common: they both lie!

I met both of these fellows on the same free site, and they contacted me. They actually have more in common than lying...they are both working professionals, divorced, 40s, single dads. Pretty typical dynamic for men in my age range.

Mr. Bubbles (named because of his profession) and I talked a bit online and on the phone before deciding to meet. We had to wait a bit due to kids' and work schedules, but were able to set something up for an upcoming weekend. A few days before the scheduled date, we both had a bit of free afternoon time, so we met up for coffee. Conversation was great and I thought, "Wow, maybe this could actually be someone normal to have fun with!". That weekend, a day before we were supposed to meet up again, he texted and told me that his twenty-years-younger ex-girlfriend/coworker had contacted him about getting back together and he wasn't sure what to do. He had already told me about her briefly over our coffee date. I told him to have fun with that...I wasn't about to play second fiddle to a twentysomething who he's obviously not over. Besides, a guy who's pushing 50 really has no business being with someone in their 20's...not if he's looking for anything serious. He said he tries to always be transparent and honest, apologized for the timing, and said he had to settle it either way. No harm, no foul. I liked him, but things happen.

So who do I see online that weekend, with a brand spanking new profile picture? Yeah, Mr. Bubbles. Why LIE about being honest? It's possible that things didn't work out with the ex and he thought he already shut the door with me, but that would be giving him too much credit. I'm a big girl. You can say you don't like me... everyone knows *I* have no problem saying that. Why can't others extend the same courtesy? Sigh.

That leads me to the other liar, Mr. Bacon (a fan of porcine products). Like Mr. Bubbles, I also got to the point of texting him, but we hadn't set up a date yet. One day I was chatting with one of my girlfriends, who is also a member of the same dating sites, and realized that we were both communicating with Mr. Bacon. She had a date scheduled with him and she said she would give me the juicy details. I happened to be online one day and saw he had changed his profile picture to one of him in a tshirt that said, "I sharted". Real classy for a single dad who's trying to impress the ladies, right? He changed it back shortly after, so I texted him and congratulated him on his wise choice:

Ok, so he's talking to me AND my friend (and has a date scheduled with her already), but he's not impressing any ladies? Okaaaay. So I decided to test him, and he blatantly lied about talking to other women. Since he was still shopping around and not satisfied with communicating with my friend and I, I decided to put him on blast!
He didn't like that very much.

Again...we are both on a dating site and presumably both talking to other people...why bother lying? You're not going to break my heart if you admit to talking to my neighborhood friend. The dating pool of quality men can get pretty shallow, and this isn't the first time a friend and I have talked to the same man (more on that later!).

Oh well. He lied and lost TWO great catches... I think he stopped talking to her also after that. Oh well, I did both of us a favor by calling him out! Enjoy your bacon, pig.

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